About Barrett Ventures

Barrett Ventures is a private equity partner company that is owned and operated by British Nationals with a strong background in entrepreneurship, operations, investing and corporate strategy

How can private equity help my company?

A private equity fund is a pool of capital contributed by institutional investors, pension funds and high net worth individuals. A private equity company, therefore, is a group of knowledgable investors that take this fund and combine it with their expertise in finance, investing, corporate strategy and operational management. By injecting these necessary resources into a company an increase increase in it’s cash flow is achieved as well as in increase in the company’s enterprise value.

What companies do we select for private equity?

Our particular private equity group look to acquire businesses whose revenues are typically between £1m-£5m. We specialise in acquiring owner-managed companies where we can add value by putting the necessary business support services in place to help that company scale and grow. We will consider investments into business in all industry sectors as long as they have shown consistent profit. 

What is barrett ventures' business model?

We aim to increase the private equity pool of funds in a low risk process. High returns are achieved for our contributors of capital by taking advantage of our skill set in acquiring great companies where value can be added by applying our strategic and operational expertise. By leveraging efficiencies in business operations and applying solutions to improve growth and scalability we increase a companies bottom line and in return shareholder equity.

Where we add value

Growth capital

We can provide capital to be able to expand or restructure operations in order to increase business value

Global and scalable

No matter where our selected investments are in their growth phase we think long term and global. We aim to scale every enterprise to it's true potential and ensure they have the support in place to allow them to operate globally

Online presence

We look at how a company presents itself online with an aim to enhance it's presence and reach. We are passionate about the use of tech to enhance a companies operations and sales

Mobile solutions

In an increasingly mobile world, we believe every company should have a solution to leverage mobile. We look at solutions to improve the benefits gained from the use of mobile devices

Marketing strategy

A great marketing strategy is the key to unlock hidden profit potential. We aim to drive revenue by ensuring the marketing is carefully considered and well executed

Management and planning

Behind every great company is a great team. A team needs a vision for alignment, a strategy for delivery and a plan for execution. We work with businesses to ensure all of these vital elements are in place

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
Henry Ford
Business Tycoon

Contact us

Get in touch for more information about how we can help you successfully exit your business or provide strategic advice that can transform your life or the value of your business.